Objectives/Scope: Geothermal fields often require pumping systems to achieve commercial production rates and pressures. In lower-enthalpy fields, line-shaft pumps (LSPs) have traditionally been used to supply brine to binary plants, while self-flowing production wells have been relied on in higher-enthalpy fields to power flash plants. However, the use of LSPs is impractical in deviated wells because of the limited length of the pump shafts. Additionally, the evaporation of a portion of the produced mass in flash geothermal power plants can lead to declining reservoir pressures and reduced flow rates. Despite their historical use, the use of LSPs poses significant challenges in geothermal applications. The maintenance and servicing of LSPs can be complex and time-consuming, requiring frequent interventions and potential production disruptions. Moreover, LSPs are often limited in terms of their depth capability, preventing their deployment in deep geothermal wells where enhanced production potential could exist. These limitations have created a need for innovative technologies to overcome the constraints associated with LSPs and optimize geothermal production.
To address these challenges and enhance geothermal production, a new, innovative technology in the form of ESPs has emerged. Unlike LSPs, ESPs can be installed in deviated wells, enabling continued production from self-flowing geothermal wells and production in wells where flow has diminished because of pressure depletion. This breakthrough in ESP technology provides a reliable and efficient solution for geothermal operators, unlocking new opportunities for reservoir optimization and energy extraction.
Methods, Process: This study provides a comprehensive overview of the key components of the ESP system, including the motor, protector, pump, power cable, motor lead extension, and downhole sensors. The new ESP system demonstrates improved reliability, power density, and operational efficiency by using high-efficiency permanent magnet motors, innovative encapsulation technologies, and optimized pump designs. The paper also highlights the successful field trial of the newly developed geothermal ESP in Kizildere Field that showcased its enhanced reliability and increased production in a high-temperature environment.
Results, Observations, Conclusions: The findings from this trial have paved the way for the design and implementation of the new ESP system in additional high-enthalpy wells, further expanding the application of ESP technology to geothermal energy extraction. Overall, this paper underscores the transformative potential of ESP technology in enhancing the use of geothermal resources for sustainable energy production.
The key findings from this study demonstrate the remarkable success of the newly developed ESP in high-enthalpy geothermal wells in Türkiye. The field trial results from well (case of study) in the Kizildere geothermal field have shown that this new, high-temperature ESP can significantly increase production rates. The introduction of this technology boosted production by 56%, demonstrating its potential to tackle the critical challenges faced by the geothermal industry.
Novel/Additive Information: This project will provide to the geothermal industry an alternative that unlock numerous avenues for its further expansion and adoption in geothermal power plants worldwide. With the operational temperature range of the geothermal ESP surpassing the limitations of previous ESPs, operators are now able to use artificial lift in high-temperature wells previously inaccessible to this technology.
Further development in geothermal energy production is key to promoting sustainable and renewable energy, and the creation and application of high-temperature geothermal ESPs are central to this effort.
Thanks for the opportunity to present our case study. It explains the contribution that new generation of electrical submergible pumps (ESP) with high temperature ratings brings to the geothermal industry in terms of incremental fluid production and artificial lift system reliability.