While seismic imaging is standard in the exploration of oil and gas fields, its significance is growing as the basis for success of geothermal projects. Standard seismic processing strategies work for areas with simple geology, but do not lead to satisfactory results in complex geologic settings. As geothermal projects regularly face such complexity (e.g. the fault systems of the Rhine Graben), the applied standard and often outdated seismic processing techniques do not provide sufficient subsurface imaging. Experience from numerous projects in highly complex geologic settings shows that five key steps are crucial to overcome these difficulties: 1. Near surface velocity model and basic statics solution, 2. surface wave suppression, 3. increase in signal-to-noise ratio and data regularization, 4. stacking/migration velocities and residual statics and 5. sophisticated imaging e.g. the Reverse Time Migration and interval velocity model. In this paper, we will present examples and further information on these key steps.